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Cannabis not welcome

Posted on November 20, 2019

I am sad and disappointed to learn that the Town of Taber is supporting "cultivation, extraction, processing and distribution" of cannabis. This is a gateway… Read More »

Differing messages sent

Posted on November 20, 2019

To the Editor: Taber Times November 6. Front page, “three cannabis retail permits approved.” Then on Page 8, “youth survey results released by Taber police… Read More »

In defence of Don Cherry

Posted on November 20, 2019

I thought we had freedom of speech in Canada? I suppose we do if it is speech that won’t offend anybody. What did Don do?… Read More »

We shall remember them…using many new, different ways

Posted on November 13, 2019

When Canadian physician Lt.-Col. John McCrae wrote “In Flanders Fields” he couldn’t have dreamed what significance the poppy would become, or even how it is… Read More »

Monday’s Remembrance Day is one that won’t be forgotten

Posted on November 13, 2019

November 11, 2019 will be a Remembrance Day I personally will never forget. I have attended many, many Remembrance Day services over the years. This… Read More »

Election over, it’s time for politicians to get to work

Posted on November 6, 2019

Alberta’s press published editorials in 1989 arguing that year’s Stanley Cup, won by the Calgary Flames, should instead be awarded to the Montreal Canadiens in… Read More »

Open letter to premier on Confederation/separation

Posted on November 6, 2019

Dear Premier Kenney, During and since the recent federal election, we have been among a large number of Albertans discussing the future of our province.… Read More »

Division not helping anyone in Canada

Posted on October 30, 2019

Well that was fun. Note the sarcasm. Last week, the 2019 federal election saw the Liberal government under Justin Trudeau stay in power, albeit with… Read More »

Reader appreciative of Japan trip explanation

Posted on October 30, 2019

Dear Editor: I appreciate Mayor Prokop enlarging upon the reasons for the decision that council made re: the sending of the delegation to our twin… Read More »

Contemplating federal election results

Posted on October 23, 2019

With the upcoming federal election looming, the subject of “what if Trudeau gets back in” has been front and centre in a large number of… Read More »

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