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Taber Recreation Board December briefs

Posted on December 19, 2018 by Taber Times

By Greg Price
Taber Times

The following are selected briefs from the Dec. 6 Taber Recreation Board meeting:

JANUARY MEETING: At the time of the December recreation board meeting, there were no agenda items set for the January meeting set for Jan. 3. The board voted unanimously to cancel the January 2019 recreation board meeting.

“If any major issues do arise, we can call a special meeting (in January),” said Trent Smith, recreation manager for the Town of Taber.

SMALL ICE ISSUE: Town councillor and recreation board member Garth Bekkering inquired about a brine issue happening at the small ice at the Taber Arena in which Trent Smith, recreation manager for the Town of Taber noted solutions are being looked at.

“We are trying to come up with a solution and locate the product/system to isolate the leak,” said Smith. “Right now we are still leaking, but we do have a plan in place where hopefully the middle of (this week), it is taken care of.”

The town is looking at a product to seal all the leaks.

“It will be a permanent fix. Even if there are other leaks in the arena that we don’t know about, it will seal them all. It’s a good product, it’s used by a lot of NHL teams and a lot of municipalities recommend it. That’s what we’ll use,” said Gary Scherer, director of public works. “This is a permanent fix.”

AUDITORIUM UPDATE: The board asked for an update of how the proposed Taber Community Centre Auditorium/lobby upgrades are coming along where it looks like it will be well under budget.

“Right now an RFP tender has been sent out and it has come back. Right now it will come before council on Dec. 17 for the award of the tender,” said Trent Smith, recreation manager for the Town of Taber.

“For the board’s information, the bids came in considerably better than what we were expecting,” said Garth Bekkering, recreation board member and town councillor.

The project was be projected to cost around $575,000 with bids coming in at the $300,000-$375,000 range.

BOARD INFORMATION: November has been a busy month for staff training which has included an Intelligenz Software Upgrade which occurred on Dec. 5.

Winter swim lesson registration begins on Dec. 15 and tree assessment continues for the Urban Forestry Programs.

A report is expected back soon from RC Strategies who met with town staff on recreation strategic planning. The sports fields in Taber have been closed for the winter including Ken McDonald park.

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