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By Greg Price
Taber Times
Taberites were part of the provincial Taekwon-Do championships earlier this month in Calgary.
There were 270 competitiors from Alberta competing inthe event. The following are results from Merritts Ultimate Taekwon-Do: Aiden MacDonald- Gold patterns, Bronze sparring (white belt); Evan Abela-Bronze sparring (white belt); Abby Abela-Bronze patterns (yellow belt); Brennan Abela-Bronze sparring (Green Belt); Cruz Rauda- Gold in patterns, Silver in sparring (Yellow Belt); Jocelyn Planger- Gold sparring (Red stripe); Kennedy Planger-Gold patterns, Bronze sparring (Yellow Belt); Grace Holowiski-Bronze sparring (1st degree junior black belt); Torrance Gedny-Gold sparring, bronze patterns (1st Degree Junior black belt); Jenna Klok-Silver sparring, Bronze patterns (1st Degree junior black belt).
Five students will be going to the North American and Caribbean Championships in Vancouver in November. Four of the five will be black belts that will be working on getting points to try out for the World Championships that will be in Ireland in two years.
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