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Gymnastics gets tax exemption

Posted on April 22, 2015 by Taber Times

By Trevor Busch
Taber Times

The Taber Gymnastics Fitness Club has been approved for tax exempt status for 2016 for their new gym facility, but will still be on the hook for their 2015 tax assessment.

At their April 13 meeting, town council voted unanimously to approve an application for property tax exemption for the 2016 taxation year for the Taber Gymnastics Fitness Club.

The Town of Taber will pay the club’s portion of the school requisition ($1,402.11) and the seniors requisition ($30).

As the TGFC had exceeded the Sept. 30, 2014 deadline to apply for tax exemption status for the 2015 taxation year, no request was submitted with regard to the present year, but administration did suggest the 2015 taxes could be waived if so desired by town council.

A secondary motion put forward by Coun. Joe Strojwas which would have granted a retroactive tax exemption for 2015, was soundly defeated by council in a 6-1 vote. Strojwas was the sole vote in favour of the motion.

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