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The following are selected briefs of the Sept. 25 meeting of Taber Town Council. Coun.(s) Jack Brewin, Carly Firth and Dan Remfert were absent.
Closed Session
The following resolutions were passed at the conclusion of the in camera (closed session) portion of the meeting.
Parkside Manor Lease Renewal: Council voted unanimously to authorize a lease renewal with Parkside Manor of Taber for the property and building (being a portion of Lot 2, Block S, Plan 4193JK, with a civic address of 4830A – 50 Avenue) for a term to expire December 31, 2028; and, directed Mayor Andrew Prokop and Chief Administrative Officer Derrin Thibault to sign the lease renewal documents.
Land Use Amendment Bylaw 13-2023
Council voted unanimously to pass first reading of Land Use Amendment Bylaw 13-2023.
The amendment proposes a property at 5701 HWY 864 (Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 951 2421) be amended from land use district Urban Reserve (UR) to Direct Control District (D-5).
“We are requesting the change in district to better accommodate development on this specific property,” reads a statement from administration as part of the meeting agenda. “We have consulted with the current landowner about this redistricting, and this is in line with the landowner’s wishes to develop a second dwelling on the property.”
A public hearing on the changes is scheduled for Oct. 23.
Land Use Amendment Bylaw 14-2023
Council voted unanimously to pass first reading of Land Use Amendment Bylaw 14-2023.
The amendment would address the use of shipping containers in the Downtown District (DT). Administration is looking to amend the LUB to allow for shipping containers in the DT particularly for use as sheds/storage.
“The containers better meet the fire code requirements, which Fire has been requesting,” reads a statement from administration as part of the meeting agenda. “We have had a lot of interest in the past for the use of shipping containers in the downtown as sheds, however, until they are a listed use in the district they are prohibited.”
A public hearing on the changes is scheduled for Oct. 23.
According to the minutes of the Sept. 25 meeting, “Council discussed the amendments and stated concern for potential congestion issues with the proposed amendments. Administration stated that they would provide further information prior to the second reading of Bylaw 14-2023.”
Traffic Control Amendment Bylaw 17-2023
Council voted unanimously to pass third and final reading of Traffic Control Amendment Bylaw 17-2023.
The amendment allows for horses in designated staging areas, including the Taber Trout Pond.
Alberta Community Partnership Grant Application – Regional Water Treatment Facility Study
Council voted unanimously that the Town of Taber supports the submission of the 2023/24 Alberta Community Partnership Grant Application in support of a Regional Water Treatment Facility Study, and allows the Town of Coaldale to manage the grant project and related compliance requirements.
The proposed scope of work would include development of a regional distribution system network, development of regional water treatment facility requirements, completion of an assessment of the Town of Taber’s water treatment distribution infrastructure and other applicable water distribution infrastructure, review of water treatment alternatives, and review of a regional collaboration plan.
The grant application ask is for $200,000, the maximum that can be requested. There is no matching grant required from the Town.
As justification, administration stated in the agenda, “Develop regional water treatment facility and distribution plan for future area expansion and food processing plants.”
Alberta Community Partnership Grant Application – Regional Community Needs Assessment
Council voted unanimously that the Town of Taber approves participating with the Village of Stirling in applying for an Alberta Community Partnership Intermunicipal Collaboration Funding Grant, to fund the Barons-Eureka-Warner Family Community Support Services Community Needs Assessment Project.
The purpose of this project is to empower 16 municipalities in the Barons-Eureka-Warner (BEW) Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) region to make informed decisions individually and collectively about how they invest in community assets and services as a prevention strategy against social challenges. Similar to the Developmental Assets Framework that identifies 40 positive supports and strengths that young people need to succeed, this project endeavours to determine which community assets can support greatest community wellbeing.
The grant application ask is for $200,000, the maximum that can be requested. There is no matching grant required from the Town of Taber.
Trout Pond Recreation Area (TPRA) Draft Master Plan
Council voted unanimously to approve the Draft Master Plan of the Trout Pond Recreation Area, and instructed Administration to proceed with public consultation, and submit future projects in the annual Capital Budget process to achieve the depicted development.
The Town’s 2 Billion Tree (2Bt) grant provides funding to build capacity in the community and particularly in Town staff to plant and maintain the municipality’s urban forest. The grant provides funding for instruction, community engagement, and 400 trees to be planted at the Trout Pond site.
In order to guide the tree planting, a Master Plan of the Trout Pond Recreation Area (TPRA) is required to “avoid conflicts with other site features and ensure effective spending of the grant.”
The West Trail Advisory Sub-Committee consisting of Mayor Andrew Prokop, Coun. Carly Firth and Coun. Jack Brewin have provided program information and guidance to Administration in the creation of the TPRA Master Plan. The final draft of the TPRA Master Plan was presented to Council for interim approval prior to a public consultation process to obtain feedback from the community which will be used by the Committee to finalize the Master Plan after which it will be returned to Council for final approval.
Once approved by Council, Administration will implement the 2BT Project during the summer of 2024 and present a program of individual projects to Council during annual Capital Budget processes for selection and implementation of individual projects which complete the vision for the area over time.
Water Consumption Study
Council voted unanimously to direct Administration to study at a high-level basis water consumption and loss within the Town of Taber.
Traffic Control Bylaw 17-2023 Consultation
Council voted unanimously to direct administration to review and consult on Traffic Control Bylaw 17-2023, which includes Schedule D and fines.
Support for Taber Rodeo Queen Bid
Council voted unanimously to direct Administration to support Jessie Ferguson in the Miss Rodeo Queen Canada Competition, and provided $100 to the Miss Rodeo Queen Program to be funded from the Council Discretionary Fund.
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