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A trio of shows comes to the stage this week

Posted on March 29, 2023 by Taber Times

By Ian Croft

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Taber Legion was quite crowded in the early part of this week as Taber Players was acting up a storm with three plays being performed in one night. Now with another successful series of shows under their belt the local talent that made up the actors of Taber Players’ Evening of Entertainment: A Series of One Act Plays, spoke on their experiences of performing in one acts, instead of a full length play.

“It was my first time doing one acts, and after a 20-plus year hiatus it was absolutely fabulous to get my foot back in the door,” said Angela Renner, who played Mama in ‘The Break-Up’ by Julia Cho. “Wonderful cast, wonderful crew. It was very different than what I was used to, but you get quite close to your cast mates so that part was very, very nice. All the costume changes was completely different. I like one acts.”

“It was wonderful, every single step of the way was great,” said Cole Fetting, who is playing Jason in ‘The Break-Up’, and Peter Wabster in ‘Alternative Accommodation’ by Pam Valentine. “One acts are usually a lot shorter so these ones are a little bit more of a faster pace, but then an actual show the timing is slower. This one’s more fast paced and it’s exciting.”

“These one acts are so fun it gives everybody such a variety, and with the music it keeps the mood light and fun,” said Jaclynn Elfring, who sang with Olivia Blue, director of ‘Alternative Accommodation’, and was also Joy Webster in ‘Alternative Accommodation’.

Both Elfring and Fetting also commented on the challenges of playing multiple roles across the one acts, as well as in Elfring’s case wearing multiple hats besides actor.

“It was very difficult, but I had this rockstar cast that kind of kept me on my toes and helped me direct really,” said Elfring before switching topics, and talking about her experience performing within the band. “It was so fun, I mean it seems like a lot today. It went so well and I was only really super nervous for one song I had to sing solo, but when you sing with a band, it’s wonderful.”

“It’s a challenge, but it’s a fun challenge because you get the switch between two different personalities and as an actor that’s a lot of fun to do,” said Fetting. “I’ve kind of done something like that before. All I do is I have a little ball of energy that I have. Then for one character, it puts up here, (he said pointing to his head) and then for another character, I put it down here (he said pointing to his throat). That’s the way to have the energy change and help out with the personalities.”

Renner and Elfring both also commented on how the only real complications with running one acts compared to regular play are the same.

“If there is ever a mistake on the stage between you and your cast mates,” said Renner, “Somebody usually just picks it up and the show goes on.”

“I know there was a couple little blips tonight, and that’s always terrifying, but as long as the audience doesn’t know everything’s good,” said Elfring.

From here Elfring then discussed some of the future plans that Taber Players has.

“I plan on doing and producing the one acts in the spring every spring,” said Elfring. “We’re kind of going to do this variety show every spring, and then Lethbridge Play Goers actually does the one acts festival. In two weeks from now on April 7 and 8 we will be taking all these one acts to Lethbridge to perform at the one act festival. We are looking for directors. Please come forth and you can contact me. My email is”

Finally Renner shared their appreciation to all parties involved in making Evening of Entertainment: A Series of One Act Plays a success.

“Thank you to all the cast and crew, and all the audience that came out,” said Renner.

If interested in seeing this live entertainment for yourself you still have a chance with the show’s last two nights being this Wednesday and Thursday, March 29 and March 30. 

The door opens at 7 p.m. with tickets being $20 and the show itself starts at 7:30 p.m..

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