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The following are selected briefs of the Feb. 27 meeting of Taber town council. Coun. Alf Rudd was absent.
Feb. 13 Meeting Closed Session
The following resolutions were made at the conclusion of in camera (closed session) discussion.
Taber Recreation Board Appointment: Following discussion, council voted unanimously to appoint Cody Fletcher to the Taber Recreation Board for a term expiring on Dec. 31, 2025.
Waste, Recycling and Organics Collection System – Check In Survey: Following discussion, council voted unanimously to start an online survey, with long survey questions, and bring the results back to a future council meeting.
Grant Writing Services and Capital Accountant: Following discussion, council voted unanimously to direct administration to transfer 2023 budgeted funds from the Finance Department salaries and benefits, in the amount of $118,375, to contracted services to pay the capital accountant and grant writer.
Investment Incentive Bylaw Exemptions: Following discussion, council voted unanim0usly to offer the final three years of the Investment Incentive Bylaw exemptions to Temujin Khan Inc. at 6110 69 Avenue.
Supplementary Assessment Bylaw 3-2023
Following discussion, council voted unaimously to pass third and final reading of Supplementary Assessment Bylaw 3-2023.
Section 313 of the Municipal Government Act requires council to annually consider a Supplementary Assessment Bylaw authorizing the Town’s assessor to assess improvements that have not been previously assessed or increased value of an improvement since it was last assessed. Such assessments must be pro-rated by the number of months during which the improvement is complete; occupied; located in the Town of Taber; or in operation.
Capital Projects Carry Forward 2022
Council voted unanimously to approve a list of 2022 capital projects to be carried forward to 2023.
This gives council an opportunity to review the previously approved projects that are either not started or are in progress. Some of the projects are grant dependent and will not be started until funds are confirmed.
Communities in Bloom: Mural Project Sponsorship Change Request
Council voted unanimously to rescind Resolution 249/2022; and authorized $15,000 to be given to Communities in Bloom for their mural work project in the downtown area, to be taken from operating reserves.
Taber CIB was requesting elimination of the “in-kind” structure of the previous $15,000 funding, and that the funds be reverted to cash. Changing the “in-kind” would allow the group to manage their mural project within their project timelines and scope.
Taber CIB would like to begin hiring and scheduling the work as soon as possible for it to be done in spring 2023.
The “in-kind” work which to date was washing of the Taber Cold Beer Store walls twice, is estimated to be worth $35/hour x 8 hours = $280.00.
Communities in Bloom: Mural Project Sponsorship
Following discussion, council directed administration to provide in-kind services to assist Communities in Bloom (CIB) mural work in the downtown area up to the amount of $15,000 which could consist of labour, materials and/or equipment.
Oldman Watershed Council Funding Request
Following discussion, council voted 4-2 to provide a donation to the Oldman Watershed Council of $3,961, to be taken from the Council Discretionary Fund; and requested administration include the donation amount in future operating budgets going forward. Coun.(s) Jack Brewin and Joanne Sorensen opposed the motion.
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