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Taber council on the topic of snow removal

Posted on January 18, 2023 by Taber Times

By Kenyon Stronski
Taber Times

For council requests, Coun. Alf Rudd was the first to speak up at the Jan. 6 meeting of council, asking primarily about snow removal.

“I don’t have any specific requests, but I just wanted to talk about snow removal a bit and maybe get Gary’s (Scherer, director of Engineering and Public Works) input on that. We had a lot of snow over three or four days and just listening to people on my beat, they’re just saying ‘this wasn’t cleaned up, that wasn’t cleaned up and look at the ice we’ve got now’ and such. What’s going on with that? I drive around and I see what they’re talking about, but I don’t see it as a problem per se because that’s just winter time correct?”

“That’s exactly correct,” responded Scherer. “We kind of had a perfect storm back-to-back, real quick there and we had a melt which created a bunch of ice and then two, three inches of snow on top of it. All-in-all all we end up doing is packing that snow down into more ice and we really can’t pick up ice. We can pick up snow, but once it’s pounded down into ice, it’s really hard to pick up so what we try to do is go out and even it up. We had all the pieces of our equipment out all last week, all of our trucks were out and citizens have to realize we only have one grader and two loaders and we can’t be everywhere all the time. Council set priorities and we’ve maintained our priority routes. Hopefully, the warmer weather will help us out by ensuring the ice melts.”

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