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Troop Tango Charlie 1 graduates after successful police academy in Taber

Posted on April 27, 2022 by Taber Times

By Cole Parkinson
Taber Times

Last Friday, the 12 recruits from Troop Tango Charlie 1 were celebrated at their police academy graduation ceremony which featured plenty of distinguished guests.

Held in the Taber Auditorium on April 22, all 12 recruits were able to hit the stage and take in their success after six months in the police academy. There were two recruits from Taber Police Service, three from Canadian Pacific Police Service, five from Blood Tribe Police Service, and two from Manitoba First Nations Police Service. Graduates included Tristan Fournier-Jones, Nathan Montgrand, Eric Neufeld, Kyle Antochow, Meghan Oakley, Nicholas Sahl, Tressa West, Tristan Black Water, Coral Ann Fenner, Autumn Jerry, Alexandra Mason, and Matthew Orme.

“On behalf of the government of Alberta, I’d like to congratulate each and every one of you for reaching this milestone. It’s a culmination of months that have been spent learning the principles and mastering the techniques that you will need to become effective police officers,” said Tyler Shandro, minister of Justice at the ceremony. “Wherever you serve, no amount of training will prepare you for all of the challenges that await you in your new roles. As officers, many complicated, demanding tasks will need your full attention and focus. You will be called upon not just to understand the law, but also to apply it fair. You may have to diffuse potentially violent situations, manage people with unpredictable personalities, or counsel grieving families, and you will also need to maintain a positive relationship with the communities that you protect. This is a daunting prospect to say the least. Finding that balance between authority and empathy can be difficult, but that’s why a law enforcement career is so rewarding. Like few other jobs, it asks you to live up to a tradition of bravery and compassion.”

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