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By Kenyon Stronski
Taber Times
Taber town council is continuing to explore funding initiatives for the Cherry and Main project.
At Taber council’s March 14 meeting, it was passed that administration work with the M.D. of Taber on a suitable cost-sharing solution for funding of Cherry and Main. The M.D. of Taber held a council meeting on March 22 where they passed a resolution to support the Taber and District Housing Foundation given certain conditions are met.
“Before I open up for discussion, I would like to draw your attention to two motions that’s going to drive the next discussion,” said Director of Finance John Orwa. “The first one is the motion from the Town of Taber that gave us the opportunity to look at suitable cost-sharing solutions for the affordable apartment and at that point, the M.D. had not met and the second one on the 22nd, the M.D. of Taber council held their meeting and that is the motion that came up, but the only thing I would like to point on from that motion before that the M.D. had — if you look at the last sentence before the numbers it says ‘up to a maximum of $1.025 million contingent on the following general conditions.’ So those conditions are very important to them and I feel it will also be very important to the Town of Taber. Now, the next one that I would like to point out is because our motion from the Town of Taber indicated that we include Taber and District Housing there are a few things on that table. They have two options,” explained Orwa.
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