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By Cole Parkinson
Taber Times
The start of 2020 gives Horizon School Division another chance to review their three-year capital plan.
While largely unchanged from 2019, board members got a look at three projects that are spread out over the next three years during their regular meeting on Feb. 24.
“We looked at this last month and we had to change the amounts a little bit because they are a little more expensive now than they were,” explained Bruce Francis, vice-chair.
Priority one remains the Milk River Elementary and Erle Rivers High School combination at the elementary school site. Cost of the full modernization of MRE and adding a junior and senior high school wing with the complete demolition of ERHS is $11,888,433. Estimated funding is for 2020/2021 with construction projected to start in 2021.
The second priority is W.R. Myers Phase 2. While originally W.R. Myers/D.A. Ferguson Phase 2, it was changed to just Myers as work at D.A. Ferguson is complete. The full modernization of the 1949, 1965, 1967, 1996 sections is set at $15,751,022 with $0 needed for demolition. Estimated funding is scheduled for 2021/2022 with estimated construction started in 2022.
The final priority for Horizon is Lomond School. Work includes preservation of the 1961 section and partial demolition of the 1956 section to the tune of $8,093,505.
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