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By Cole Parkinson
Taber Times
After some more consideration, the Municipal District of Taber surplus equipment list has seen an update.
After council’s last meeting a few changes were effectively made, and staff has also made further additions and subtractions to the list as they head toward public sale.
During council’s regular meeting on May 14, they were presented with the updated list and explanations of the added equipment.
The updated list is a 2009 Dodge 2500 (three-quarter ton truck, crew cab and approx. 205,000 KM), 2007 GMC 1500 (half ton, regular cab and approx. 180,000 KM), 2005 GMC 1500 (half ton, regular cab and approx. 200,000 KM), 2007 Dodge 2500 three-quarter ton (225,000 KM), 2007 International 9900i (9900 highway tractor and approx. 8,500 hours), 2012 John Deere 870 G (Grader w/wing and approx. 8,000 hours), 2012 CAT 966K (loader w/bucket and approx. 12,000 hours), 1975 Terex TS14 scraper (approx. 20,000 hours), 2014 Arctic Cat Quad 700cc (two X 16 gallon spray tanks), a Ford 500 engine (motor and transmission as is, where is removal by purchaser) and a tank skid (300 gallon tank with pressure pump and plumbing).
“We had some additions based on some further evaluations that were done by staff and other departments. One truck was removed and is being repurposed to the assessment department for their summer inspections. That was Unit 1-61 (2012 GMC 1500),” explained Jeremey Wickson, director of public works. “Unit 1-32 (2005 GMC 1500) is being surpluses out as well as 1-37 (2007 Dodge 2500) which is an addition that was the one used in the hamlet.”
Another addition to the surplus list comes in the form of a private sale.
“We also got some used oil tanks from our previous oil program. They haven’t actually moved in 10 years. They are a bit of a rarity as far as that goes,” said Wickson. “For the used oil tanks, I didn’t put these on the sheet because I don’t think there will be any local interest.”
Wickson stated a buyer from British Columbia has already expressed interest in the oil tanks.
One of particular interest from council was the addition of the 1975 Terex TS14 scraper.
With Wickson explaining that due to that particular unit’s age and hours on the unit, it was primarily used as a backup for the other units in M.D. position.
Also, the machine has seen quite a few repairs over its time in the M.D. so its usefulness is reaching its end for municipal use.
“It is more than a 44-year-old unit and has more than served its purpose,” continued Wickson. “More than likely with this unit for someone who’s buying it, they will cut the front end off and turn it into their own pull scraper.”
Right now, the M.D. has three other scrapers in their possession with one of those already replacing the 1975 Terex.
Wickson also mentioned to council another scraper was getting close to the 20,000-hour range which will need to be replaced in the near future.
A motion was made to proceed with the update surplus equipment list and to approve a private sale of the oil tanks, and was carried unanimously.
M.D. councillors John Turcato, Brian Brewin and Leavitt Howg were absent.
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