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By Cole Parkinson
Taber Times
The following are selected briefs from the Municipal District of Taber regular meeting on April 10.
Request for Quotes for Hays,
Grassy Lake water plant generators
M.D. staff presented council with four different options to move forward with the generators at the Hays and Grassy Lake water plants.
“We do have an RFQ (request for quotes) ready to go. The design is finalized, the documents are ready to go we’re just seeking some direction from council on who we want to invite from the quoting process,” said Craig Pittman, public works superintendent for the M.D.
Staff brought forward eight potential contractors that were then divided into four options based on if they were local contractors who had a positive working history with the M.D., local contractors who MPE Engineering has had success with, contractors who MPE had success with and contractors who have a positive history working with the M.D.
Council had questions why they couldn’t just submit quotes to all eight contractors.
“The engineering firm requested a max of four, just to keep it at a competitive process. They said if you have too many contractors quoting on the same job, some will say it’s not worth their time and not submit a quote,” responded Pittman.
Submitting RFP’s to option four consisting of Spider Electric Ltd, Across the Line Electric Ltd., Rivers Electric Co. Ltd. and Done Right Electric Ltd. was voted for unanimously.
Update for traffic lights at M.D. shop and Highway 3 and Highway 864 intersection
The topic of the lights was brought up as staff was seeking council approval to include the four street lights project at Highway 3 and Range Road 17-1 for the new shop.
The shop lights were under the same tender as the Highway 3 and Highway 864 intersection lights, which Alberta Transportation is currently preparing for.
“We have an opportunity to put the four street lights at the intersection of Highway 3 and Range Road 17-1 for our new shop site into the same contract for the stop lights on Highway 3 and (Highway) 864. I think it’s very beneficial that we join in with that. It’s going to be a cost savings to us as well as Alberta Transportation,” said Jack Dunsmore, director of planning and infrastructure. “They will own the lights, we will have to pay for them but they will have to own them.”
With the estimated cost set at $130,000, council asked Dunsmore his opinion on how to proceed as he laid out three different options including do nothing and leaving the intersection as it is, putting out a separate tender and administering the project using M.D. staff or signing an agreement with Alberta Transportation so they would administer the project.
“My recommendation would be to partner with Alberta Transportation, sign the memorandum of agreement and let them administer the contract,” said Dunsmore.
Council voted in favour unanimously to sign an agreement with Alberta Transportation.
M.D. still interested in acquiring
Taber AHS building
As the M.D. continues to try to purchase the AHS building located at 5009 56 Street in Taber, they have been joined with the Town of Taber in hopes of acquiring the property.
The latest development came when Lethbridge-East MLA Maria Fitzpatrick visited with the local councils.
“Maria Fitzpatrick was down for our last meeting and we were able to take her over and tour the old AHS building. She in turn asked us to get some letters of support and send it off to her,” said Reeve Brian Brewin.
Letters of support from the town, the M.D., Taber and District Community Adult Learning Association, Taber Food Bank, Barons – Eureka – Warner Family and Community Support Services, and the Indigenous community in Taber have been collected.
The town and M.D. have put a together a sum of $1 to purchase the building and they would be prepared to take on all costs for operating and maintaining the building over an extended period of time.
M.D. council voted unanimously to send the letter.
RCMP Report for March 2018
Numbers in brackets represent the number from 2017 in March.
Impaired Driving / 24 hour / 30 day suspension 7 (4), assaults 2 (1), break and enters 1 (2), thefts 2 (13), threats 0 (0), mischief 2 (5), controlled drugs and substances act 2 (0), other criminal code / statues 18 (34), assistance to police / other agencies / general public 13 (5), 911 hang ups 18 (26), false alarms 3 (1), abandon vehicle 4 (6), lost and found property 0 (3), firearms act 1 (1), check stops 2 (1), traffic complaints 19 (24), traffic collisions 25 (16), by-law complaints 0 (3), admin files 5 (13), total calls 140 (167).
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