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Town of Taber council briefs

Posted on June 14, 2017 by Taber Times

The following are selected briefs of the May 23 regular meeting of Taber town council.

May 1 Closed Session

The following resolutions were passed by town council at the conclusion of the in camera (closed session) portion of their May 1 special meeting.

Resignation: Council voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Henk DeVlieger as mayor from the council of the Town of Taber, with regret. Council thanked DeVlieger for his “numerous contributions to the Town of Taber during his tenure.”

Affirmation Letter: Council voted unanimously to approve on the behalf of the entirety of council a letter crafted as a public release reaffirming to the citizens of Taber the dedication of council and the support of administration.

May 8 Closed Session

The following resolutions were passed by town council at the conclusion of the in camera (closed session) portion of their May 8 regular meeting.

Taber Combative Sports Commission Appointments: Council voted unanimously to appoint Mark Merkle, Darren Peleskey and Joe Young to the Taber Combative Sports Commission for a three-year term to expire Dec. 31, 2019.

Mower Donation: Council voted unanimously to donate a progressive tri-cut mower, Unit 7-03, to the Taber Agri-Plex.

Materials Recovery Facility Project: Council voted unanimously to put the Materials Recovery Facility Project on hold until administration knows what the City of Medicine Hat and the City of Lethbridge choose to do regarding their own municipal materials recovery facilities, and holds the funds awarded by the Community and Regional Economic Support Program (CARES) until a final decision is made regarding a materials recovery facility in Taber.

Road Closure Bylaw 5-2017

Council voted unanimously to pass third and final reading of Road Closure Bylaw 5-2017. The bylaw closes a portion of unused road for sale with an adjacent parcel to a local business.

An error had been made in Bylaw 17-2016 which could not be accepted by the Alberta Land Titles Office for registration of the road closure and consolidation, thus obligating the passing of a new bylaw.

Council Board, Committee and Commission Appointments

Council voted unanimously to appoint Coun. Randy Sparks as a member of the Audit Committee, Coun. Jack Brewin as an alternate member of the Municipal Emergency Management Committee, Coun. Laura Ross-Giroux to the Highway 3 Ad Hoc Committee, Mayor Andrew Prokop to the Mayors and Reeves Meetings Ad Hoc Committee, and Sparks to the SouthGrow Regional Initiative Ad Hoc Committee.

Recreation Project Support

Council voted unanimously to provide a letter of support for grant funding for community projects including Sunrise Park – Playground Equipment, Confederation Park – Wheelchair Accessible Play Equipment, Confederation Park – Climbing Apparatus, and Aquafun Centre – Climbing Wall.

Free Swim Tuesdays

The Taber Kinsmen Club is sponsoring free swim Tuesdays for youth under 18, every Tuesday evening from 7-8:30 p.m. beginning June 6 and ending August 29.

Confederation Park Security Camera Systems

Security cameras have been installed at various locations in May, including two on the southwest corner of the Administration Building and two in the Spray Park/Skateboard Park area.

Drainage Issues Westview Phase 1

Public works has identified drainage issues in Westview Phase 1, where asphalt has sunken and is creating ponding issues. The department is utilizing the town’s new spray patcher to fill in the sunken asphalt areas.

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