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Rally to protest carbon tax

Posted on October 26, 2016 by Taber Times

By Greg Price
Taber Times

Lethbridge will be one of the sites of 11 different rallies on Saturday, Nov. 5 as part of the Alberta-Wide rally movement.

The Alberta-Wide Rally is a grass-roots movement created by Albertans concerned about various issues including the recent farm and education bills, but will be pre-dominately the ‘Climate Leadership Implementation Act,’ or what is commonly referred to as the Carbon Tax.

“It’s the manner in which this legislation is being implemented which we take particular offence to. Simply, we as a group have a firm and steadfast resolve that this Alberta Notley government and Trudeau’s federal government have no mandate from the people to make and adopt legislation which will have such a massive societal change as is contemplated with this carbon tax,” said Todd Beasley, organizing director of the Alberta-Wide Rally.

“This isn’t a new street light or intersection or road for that matter, this is legislation which will have massive implications for generations to come. We believe it will seriously erode Alberta and Canada’s competitiveness and add significant new taxation when we as a society can least afford it. I believe the NDP government believes what they’re doing is right and frankly if they do, they should have no problem going to the people, stating their case and simply asking for a mandate through a plebiscite or referendum. Let the people hear the facts and allow them to make an informed decision. Let them say whether they support this or not.”

The Climate Leadership Implementation Act is to come into affect Jan. 1, 2017 and the Act targets 23 types of fuel.

“The net result of this will be increased costs of goods and services, at the consumer level and upwards. This is due to expanded costs in transportation, manufacturing, farming and heating. We expect to see further closure of businesses as a result of this tax and a further economic decline to Alberta and Canada,” said Beasley.

“Our provincial government has no mandate to bring forth a tax that has such serious societal consequences for Alberta, especially when there are technological advancements in carbon capture and storage, and other technologies available to us.”

The overall purpose of the rally will be to ask Albertans to support a petition demanding a referendum or plebiscite, with a goal of between 500,000 to one million signatures of support, which will be submitted to the legislative assembly.

“Once it is submitted, we can put (proof) to the statement that it’s absolutely not true that the NDP government has the support of the people on this issue,” said Beasley.

Beasley stressed the rally is non-partisan and will feature guest speakers featuring business, farm and agriculture leaders.

Federal MPs, provincial MLAs and mayors from across southern Alberta have been invited to the Lethbridge rally. Beasley noted in a transcript, NDP representatives have been afforded an opportunity to appear at any of the rallies across the province, including Premier Notley.

“As movement organizers we say this simply, ‘We’re reasonable people, acting reasonably’. To ask for a referendum on this issue is not only reasonable, but frankly it’s the right thing to do. We are a democracy aren’t we?” said Beasley.

The Alberta-Wide Rally in Lethbridge goes on Nov. 5 from 12-2 p.m. at Galt Gardens at 601 3rd Avenue South.

Donations for the food bank are welcome. More information on the rally can be found on the Alberta-Wide Rally/Lethbridge Facebook Page.

Rallies are also going on in Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Camrose, Drayton Valley, Edmonton, Hanna, Red Deer, Airdrie, Calgary and Brooks.

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