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New format for Relay for Life in 2015

Posted on May 13, 2015 by Taber Times

By Trevor Busch
Taber Times

As the countdown marches on for Taber’s Relay for Life event on June 6, the region has now almost reached this year’s team goal set for the 2015 season.

“We’re one team short of our Taber team goal for the year, so we’re currently sitting at 14. We’re hoping to get to 15,” said event organizer Scott Paterson. “People can register right up until the day of the event. And actually, because of all of the activities we have going on this year, if people happen to be travelling by the event and see some fun stuff going on, they’re more than welcome to come out and either pay for some of the extras we have there, or they can register right on the spot.”

The cancer fundraiser event has always been a popular activity in Taber and area, but has switched dates from May to early June for 2015 due to previous issues surrounding the weather.

“We have quite a few teams that have already done team fundraisers,” said Paterson. “Our event goal is $58,000 for the year, and we’re at $17,000 that has already been raised.”

The event format has also changed times on June 6, operating from noon to midnight rather than the overnight “graveyard shift” style of previous events. The event is still at the same location at the St. Patrick’s Elementary School track oval.

“Because of that (time change), we’re going to be having live music acts and entertainers pretty much there for the entire time,” said Paterson. “Our theme this year is ‘Cancer Fighting Superheros’. We’re going to have a 38’ bouncy obstacle course, and we’re going to have some bouncy balls where people can enter our Superhero Bouncy Ball Tournament. And we’re going to do a superhero-themed flea market — people from the community, if they want to get a table to sell their wares — they can contact me and get that as well.”

Entertainment will feature various acts as well as a weath of local talent to help keep participants moving.

“We have a local group coming out, Plum Crazy, and we have a bunch of local artists, too — Tristan Leacock is coming out, and does a pretty mean electric guitar show,” said Paterson.

Interested volunteers, team registrants, or those seeking more information on the event can contact Paterson at 403-317-4658, or visit

(*Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly identified the date of the Relay for Life as June 2, when the date is June 6. The Times apologizes for this error.)

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