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February 14, 2025 February 14, 2025

Be a good citizen – get involved

Posted on January 16, 2025 by Taber Times

I remember recent calm, warm feelings over Christmas as I attended several community events. It helped me feel, at least in our local world, that everything is OK. Our community is pretty healthy, pulling in the same direction, these are folks you could count on. I’m amongst good citizens.

Then came 2025. I don’t know about you, but New Year wishes caused me to push back a flood of negative thoughts about regional, provincial and world events. There is so much bad stuff going on that will drastically alter our current and future quality of life. 

Bummer. But what can I do? The issues are too overwhelming; too depressing! I’m too busy! Other folks will take care of this stuff. Hey, I felt this way; tried to ignore things. Then the Northback Grassy Mountain coal project, previously rejected in 2021, received a fresh push from Brian Jean, Minister of Energy & Minerals as he “suggested” (told) the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) to “consider” the project. The AER is supposed to be an unbiased/arms-length entity. But they get their paychecks from the AB government (wink-wink). So here we are with AER currently holding public hearings even after their Bosses announced their plans for future coal development and gave their blessing for mining Grassy Mountain. They did this on Dec 20th , hoping we wouldn’t notice while we were busy wrapping gifts and knowing full-well the damage it will cause. Sneaky, under-handed, undemocratic! Will the AER decision be unbiased despite their employer’s pressure?

And so here I am, pulling in the same direction as a lot of good Alberta citizens as we fight against a local coal project proven not to make economic or environmental sense. And I feel good; well, better! Gone are feelings of helpless apathy, isolation, vulnerability. I’ve earned the right to put other issues on the shelf without guilt and concentrate on an issue that’s winnable. I’m working amongst a group of like-minded good citizens and retaining those hopeful feelings from Christmas. I’m trying to be a good citizen, fighting for my, your and Alberta’s future.

So, here’s a winning suggestion to help you feel better and protect the future of your family, community and province; Get Involved! Sure, family and work commitments can leave you with little spare time, but it doesn’t have to be much. Monitor what’s going on and how you can help via Facebook groups like Crowsnest Headwaters and Protect Alberta’s Rockies and Headwaters. Email a short letter opposing Grassy Mountain coal mining to your riding MLA and Bria n Jean, Minister of Energy and Minerals, There you go, Easy Peezy…5 minutes. 

Thanks for your help and I hope this helps you feel better about 2025.

Peter Jowett, Fort Macleod

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