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To the Editor,
I am writing to you in response to several comments and articles in The Taber Times regarding ‘The Radar Cash Cow’.
The last article by Cal Braid in the January 1, 2025, issue speaks about changes our Alberta Government will or has issued in regards to photo radar.
Let me be clear, one can only get a ticket for speeding if he or she drives over the speed limit. So, no speeding – no ticket, and consequently no ‘cash cow’ for the municipalities.
Speed limits use to mean something, but the 80, 100 or 110 km/h nowadays are nothing more than a suggestion. Drivers will ‘push’ you if you do 110 on Highway 36. My car is factory governed to 238 km/h, so I could do Brooks to Calgary in one hour, but we all know that this would be unsafe for everyone involved. The many accidents, particularly on intersections, we have noticed over the past years are not only because of higher traffic numbers, but also because of excess speeds and more importantly the increasingly aggressive behaviours of citizens.
I must ask the question, are we at the brink of anarchy (a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority or other controlling systems) where the law and the representatives of the law and government are totally disrespected? Remember: it is our government, not a fictional institution.
Best regards,
Joerg Klempnauer, Vauxhall
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