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Electricity narrative skewed by Schow’s wishful thinking

Posted on November 30, 2023 by Taber Times

I spent 32 years with the Royal Bank, working in 16 different branches throughout the province and was the manager of seven of them. My father was a power plant engineer for 38 years and Lougheed’s energy minister Bill Dickie was a brother-in-law of one of my uncles. I have never forgotten how furious all of them were at Ralph Klein for forcing his deregulation down our throats and everything my father said would happen has happened, yet now we have these phony conservatives, Reformers filling Albertan’s minds with the lie that it’s all Ottawa’s fault when we know they had nothing to do with it. I wonder why MLA Cardston-Siksika, Joseph Schow, finds it smart to continue to spread this lie when so many Albertans know it isn’t true? Maybe he had better learn the facts that each province is responsible for its own power system and Ottawa has nothing to do with it. Don’t forget it was this UCP government which took the caps off the industry that were put there by Notley to protect us from rising costs.

Alan K. Spiller, Edmonton

One response to “Electricity narrative skewed by Schow’s wishful thinking”

  1. Fedup Conservative says:

    To show how stupid Albertans have been in regards to believing the lies of these Reformers here are some true facts. They have convinced their supporters that Notley and Trudeau created the Carbon Tax to steal their money yet it was conservatives under Ed Stelmach who created it in 2007. It was implemented in BC in 2008 and a while later the Simon Fraser university stated
    “ The shocking truth about the bc carbon tax: it works”
    While they taught Albertans to blame Notley for destroying the coal produced electricity it was Conservatives under the Harper government that did it. Smith has constantly repeated the lie that Ottawa is stealing all our money yet as lawyers, accountants, oilmen, bankers and former MLAs know Trudeau has poured billions into Alberta and these articles prove it.”Alberta has received more funds from the feds than what they have received in revenue in decades.””Alberta got more federal COVID support per capita than people in any other province”. So if you are going to continue to believe the lies of these Reformers and ignore what true conservatives are telling you don’t be surprised if you find yourself in court trying to prove the lies you have been fed are true when lawyers state it can’t be done . Why shouldn’t Albertans be fed up by what they are seeing these Reformers do to their children’s future and want to stop it.

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