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Pension debate ignores we’re all still Canadians

Posted on November 2, 2023 by Taber Times

Dear Editor,

Although I am an active member, including financial, of the United Conservative Party, I am deeply concerned about Premier Danielle Smith’s efforts to withdraw our province from the Canada Pension Plan, CPP, in favour of establishing an Alberta Pension Plan, APP. Her propaganda machine is full steam ahead with her as the engineer.

An esteemed and trusted fellow by the name of Mahmood Nanji at Western University in London, Ont. which is a public research university, made the following statement  “…extracting Alberta from the CPP is complex, expensive, disruptive, time-consuming, and administratively burdensome.” (BPM News 26 Sept., 2023). This is not nuclear science; we all with a little thought would conclude the same thing.

This latest move could be viewed as another attempt by our premier to not be controlled by the federal government – too bad politics seems to play such a significant role in it. Granted, that body is guilty of late of attempted over-reaches into what is Alberta’s jurisdictions. Fortunately, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled on 13 October 2023 that a federal law assessing how major projects such as coal mines and oil sands impact the environment is largely unconstitutional – a victory for Alberta.

Nevertheless, let us remember in all of these issues, specifically the APP, that we are not only Albertans but also Canadians. We are a very rich province blessed with many natural resources and as such have an obligation to our other less endowed provinces and territories to share our good fortune. When greed and mine, mine, mine become our central motive, then our ability to help make things fair will fall very short of that goal.

Ray Sheen, Taber, Alta.

One response to “Pension debate ignores we’re all still Canadians”

  1. Fedup Conservative says:

    While my friends and I all consider ourselves to be Conservatives we aren’t dumb enough to support these Reformers trying to pretend they are conservatives while they deliberately try to destroy everything our hero Peter Lougheed created for us. The MLAs from the Lougheed era taught me to never trust a Reformer and they were certainly correct. Even while they try to steal our CPP they are trying to destroy what a Liberal government created for the good of all of us and wasting $7.5 million of taxpayers money on doing it proves that there is nothing conservative about them.

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