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Letter: Hidden CPP costs escalating since 2014

Posted on November 2, 2023 by Taber Times

Dear Editor,

I would like to thank Mr. Levine for his informative article about the possible Alberta Pension Plan. You seem to know what you are talking about, however, I would like you to examine the article I read a number of years ago.

In 2014 I found this article (“CPP hidden cost”, QMI Agency, Sept. 2014) on page 24 of the Calgary Sun. This article should have been printed on the front page of every newspaper in the country! I can not even begin to imagine today’s cost of administering the plan. One thing I did learn from last night’s (Oct. 24) town hall telephone meeting is that the CEO of the CPP lives in Quebec, appointed by the government and has a lush wage of $375,000, plus perks!

I was once a proud Canadian, but the Canada I once knew has become a country with no identity on the world stage. Our military has been decimated at a very perilous time in history, we fear of speaking our minds for fear of retribution, and the leasers of the NDP and Liberal parties axe any motion that will divulge the blatant criminality of past and present wrong doings of our dictatorial prime minister.

Our country is being dismantled, folks, from the family unit, upwards and every day, we lose more of our freedom (ex. the RCMP is set to testify on evidence of wrong doing with SNC Lavalin and the coalition blocks it).

Is it possible if a Liberal government were to stay in power that the CPP could be used as a payment for the debt that the government has incurred? Do you remember when the Liberals under Jean Chrétien and finance minster, Paul Martin, balanced the budget with worker’s E.I. payments? I recall $43 billion, but read an article from Dec. 8, 2008 that it was $54 billion!

We as Albertans have paid more than our share and that’s why the other provinces do not want to see us leave! As far as I am concerned what’s good for the goose (Quebec), is good for the gander (Alberta).


Brooks Husband

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