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Letter: Bill C-69 ruling good news for Alberta

Posted on October 26, 2023 by Taber Times

The Supreme Court of Canada recently ruled Bill C-69 – also known as the “no more pipelines law” – unconstitutional. The reversal of this intrusive legislation is a real victory for Alberta. But it’s also a victory for all provinces. And a confirmation of the principles our nation was founded on:provincial rights, respect, and cooperation between all levels of government.

Bill C-69 was first introduced in 2018 by the federal government. It was immediately obvious just how harmful it would be to Alberta’s economy. Unfortunately, the premier of the day, Rachel Notley, did nothing to push back and defend Alberta’s best interests. 

Bill C-69 was a gross overreach of federal power that scared off investors and killed thousand of jobs across Alberta and Canada.

Former Premier Jason Kenney understood that this legislation was harmful and unconstitutional. He realized it wasn’t just bad for Alberta, but a threat to the economic wellbeing of all provinces and regions. His government was instrumental in beginning the legal process to reverse this bill.

The Supreme Court’s decision is a ray of hope for our economy, our Constitution, and for all Canadians. It stops the bleeding of valuable investment and jobs. The decision offers real hope and a chance to bring confidence back to our economy. 

Recent federal laws have been about more than simple regulatory overreach. They have threatened to reduce the role of provinces as an equal under our Constitution. The Supreme Court’s finding reinforces the vital role that provinces play. In a country as large and diverse as ours, it’s critical that diverse regions have a say in their direction.

One of the key takeaways from this decision is the protection of all provinces. Alberta does not stand alone in its desire to protect citizens from over regulation. This isn’t just about legal battles. It’s about co-operation, the kind that has made our nation one of the best in the world. 

The Alberta government urges our federal counterparts to learn from this decision. Now is the time to work together and join us at the table for the good of our country. It’s time to give up attempts to force regulatory control. To stop forcing change that will lead to disaster in our energy and resource sectors.

We can work together to reduce emissions on a realistic timeline. A timeline that supports and builds our electrical grid and energy sector. While also protecting our environment and the well being of Albertans.

The Supreme Court’s ruling should be a turning point. For the sake of our province, and every province, we call on the federal government to meet us halfway. To recognize that diverse regional issues need more than a one-size fits all solution. To recommit to a path of constitutional respect and collaborative governance.

Joseph Schow

MLA Cardston-Siksika

Minister of Tourism
and Sport
Government House Leader

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