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Dear Editor:
Troubling, disturbing and perplexing about summarizes my concerns re: the numerous sitcoms that appear on television advertisements – not just on one or two stations but many of them. The runners show destruction, shootings, blastings and other world creatures with powers and appearances beyond what mortal man has. I don’t watch any of them assuming the entire show contains the same kind of fare.
In our real world filled with accounts of wars, calamities of all kinds, killings by guns, knives, cars and even buses and subways why would we want to watch tv shows that feature the same thing – close to it or beyond? There must be people that watch them or the airwaves wouldn’t feature them or continue to roll them off the reels. The one sure way to end them is not to watch them. In one week they would be gone.
Better choices of tv entertainment, though few they may be at times, are still available if we do a little searching. Stations carry such things as history, nature, sports, cooking, construction and news. Surely, they are much more beneficial to our body and soul than that referred to above.
Since our children are strongly imprinted by our examples in all things, we would want to model that which elevates, enriches and empowers.
Ray Sheen, Taber
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