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Lord’s Prayer about morale, not religion

Posted on January 9, 2014 by Taber Times

Recently much has been said and written in the papers about reciting the Lord’s Prayer in the schools.

One has to wonder what could be so offensive in that beautiful piece of literature to any class of people, be they atheist or a small group of immigrants, etc.

Please dear readers keep in mind the Lord’s Prayer does not teach religion at all, but on the contrary it teaches morals, excellence, in short, nothing but good is in it for everyday life. What a better world it would be to live in, if people would only try and put it into practice.

For example: showing respect for a human being, as a great number of people do in the world anyway, regardless of what denomination they adhere to.

The prayer does not teach greed, but with just a few words it teaches ‘give us this day our daily bread.’ What more do we need?

It also teaches us ‘forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.’ Would it not be wonderful if we could just keep on forgiving each other and wrongs inflicted on us by others?

No malice, animosity, grudges etc. But in order to do nothing wrong that may lead to further evil consequences not only for ourselves but to others, we have to follow the prayer’s teaching, ‘lead us not into temptation.’

I believe that Canada is indeed a Christian country. Undoubtedly that’s why the United Nations found it in a survey to be the best country in the world to live in.

In closing that is why the founders of our Canadian and provincial constitutions found it to be imperative and fruitful to include the Lord’s Prayer in their charter.

So dear friends out there and beyond where this letter may reach you, let’s all respect that foresight and be thankful and satisfied with what we have. Let us not be critics and be destructive of things we have not put in place in this wonderful place we live in. See what we can do for this country, instead of the country for us.



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