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June 30 Letters To the Editor

Posted on June 30, 2021 by Taber Times

Helping our Indigenous people

Dear Editor:
I’m sure all of us mourn for those who suffered unimaginable abuse of various kinds in the residential schools. Having lived among First Nations’ people for two years, I heard first-hand the accounts of the survivors of these institutions. I squirm even yet with pain and even disbelief when I hear of them again. The challenge now, for all of us, is to determine how we can best help our Indigenous brothers and sisters.

For the perpetrators, the first thing they or the inheritors of their obligation must do is issue an appropriate manner with a penitent spirit — a sincere and heart-felt regret for the inhuman treatment they inflicted upon the Indigenous people. It may begin with local leaders, but eventually it must reach to the highest authorities in their respective organizations, be it religious or secular.

For those of us not directly involved with the abuse, we must listen with empathy and compassion to their stories — thus validating and acknowledging their experiences, and in the process, build positive relationships with each other.

Payments to survivors and their descendants will undoubtedly happen, as is the usual default process — but we need to be creative as well in resolving the effects and memories of such a horrid past.

Perhaps one of the things we can do — which will help remove this darkened history — is destroy the residential schools. Enabling the present Indigenous leaders to deal more fully with this ingrained hurt is a second way.

All of we Canadians must shoulder the responsibility for helping our Indigenous people in this time of a bitter trial.

Ray Sheen

Upcoming fall municipal election a chance for change

Dear Editor:
With local elections coming up this fall, Taberites will finally have a chance to take out the trash, it seems. The state of our local government has worsened with each and every new election, with the current town council easily the most inept and uninspired in recent memory.

The roads in this town are a disaster and only continue to become less and less drivable every year. Snow removal was practically non-existent this past winter. With no Cornfest or Canada Day celebrations last year, where did all the taxpayer money go exactly? It certainly didn’t go towards any kind of road maintenance or snow removal.

Tired of the closed door meetings and lack of transparency from town council? Tired of the constant meaningless bylaws they keep dreaming up? Good. Make sure they know that when you cast your votes in the upcoming town election.

Rhett Anderson

Residents upset over property damage on 56 Ave

Dear Editor:
RE: A group of Taber residents who suffered property damage due to Town of Taber mismanagement. At that time, I identified the 56 Ave residents’ group who were attempting to get resolution from Town of Taber leadership.

Our group of 11 has now encompassed far more property owners, as the residents who started this action against the town have been successful.

Although common sense and following Town of Taber bylaws and provincial statutes would have prevented the residents’ actions, we now see the value of holding elected officials and people employed by the town accountable.

I believe what started out as four properties has ballooned to 21 restorations, according to an unnamed source.

The old adage of an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is totally evident, as you drive down our avenue and see all the properties in different stages of restoration.

Marvin Koizumi

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