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Need town council to show more leadership

Posted on November 25, 2020 by Taber Times

Re Nov. 11 Taber Times: “Town operating budget”.

I just don’t get it. Lena and I operated a business for 52 years, while raising a family. We were blessed with good, but also some very difficult years, we had to make some very difficult, painful financial decisions in order to survive and thankfully we did. But in the case of the Town of Taber, its council now seems directionless.

Some months ago, a reliable organization printed a report, ranking the Town of Taber as having one of the highest labour costs in the province. In the Nov. 11 Times the council reports and talked about cut backs in order to balance the books, then backs down, hires two new policemen, and decided to take $369,000 out of reserves.

Now in the Nov. 18 Times, they report that they received a $860,000 grant from the Feds. What a roller coaster.

Council, please show us some leadership. And yes, as a Canadian citizen I am concerned about our town’s finances, but even more so about our nation’s finances. The Feds handing out money seems endless, some time ago I read in the Times, that there is grant money to repave the parking lot around the Civic, I don’t get it. We are loading all these expenditures on our next generation, and that is immoral.

Hans Visser

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