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Some things I have re-learned from recent elections

Posted on November 18, 2020 by Taber Times

First is the decision by a candidate to enter a race for election to leader. Motives must be honest and obvious. If one is running for the glory, honour and power of the office, then he or she is doing so for the wrong reason; service to others ought to be the primary personal influence. Basic character traits should include integrity in all of its aspects and interest in the welfare of one’s constituents. Respect for the opinions and needs of others must also be on the list as should the ability to communicate clearly and knowledgeably and listen with a focused mind.

Second, should be graciousness in both winning and losing. Pouting, claiming voter fraud, undermining the opponent’s fitness for office, lack of cooperation in helping the winner and other obvious tactics that are not becoming to anyone in public life should not be engaged in any form. Likewise, the winner who expresses gratitude and
compliments to a fellow losing opponent displays a charity of heart that is worthy of applause and emulation.

Third, an awareness of one’s limitations and the wisdom to accept them and work within them is a winning trait whether one loses or wins. However, one must also be cognizant of his or her strengths knowing that no person possesses all the gifts of humankind but will move forward regardless, inviting others to step in where he or she is lacking. Hence, humility is a vital quality in any person’s tools of leadership.

Fourth, is the capacity to recognize the contributions and successes of other co-workers and not claim their
achievements for himself or herself. Doing so reveals a soul lacking in both self worth and self-respect. This kind of insecurity fails to invite trust in, and support towards, a leader.

Ray Sheen

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