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Bill 207 protecting faiths

Posted on November 27, 2019 by Taber Times

To the Editor Times November 20 re doctors taking issue with Bill 207.

First a question for clarification, as the article heading is doctors, is Dr. Demontigny speaking on behalf of Taber doctors, or herself? Dr. Demontigny complained about this Bill 207, in this case about medical doctors, and institutions the right to exercise their charter protected freedoms of conscience and religion.

She says “it’s a few people acting according to their belief system.” As we know that a belief system is supported in the preamble of Canada’s Constitution, and I am sure supported by more than a few people. I also see this Bill 207 protecting and encouraging Med students who are committed to their faith. Nevertheless, the Human Rights Act is supposed to protect freedom of conscience and religion. However, I as a Taber resident, and volunteer, say thank you Dr. Demontigny and all the Taber doctors, nurses and caregivers.

Thank you for your loving and caring service in our hospital and senior homes.  


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