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Studies have shown in North America, between 80 to 92 per cent of New Year’s resolutions fail by mid-February to early March.
New Year’s Resolutions can be varied to getting in shape, saving money, traveling more, finding a new job, being kinder to people, lowering stress etc.
Any resolution for the betterment of yourself is a noble one. But who says it has to fit the rigid schedule of starting on Jan. 1?
Also, why does a resolution have to have such lofty expectations that it is almost pre-determined to fail?
Anyone who thinks they are going to go from the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man to a Greek Adonis in a few months is going to be greatly disappointed and likely quit even though they are making progress.
Often expectations are so grand and immediate, please lose sight of the forward steps they have made.
That is the danger to having a time frame on self improvement, it really is a task that never ends, but even moving a few inches forward is progress nevertheless over the years. Cutting out eating out even one more time a week is saving money.
Picking the salad over the fries as a side is progress. Holding your tongue and breathing in even one incident that you likely would have before, instead of exploding over anger on trivial things is progress.
Instead of expecting the physique of your favourite Hollywood celebrity, why no just wish for greater fitness and energy to spend on your loved ones?
These are achievable resolutions for anyone and can start in the middle of August just as easily as it can on Jan. 1.
Perhaps a new wave of New Year’s Resolutions can come in that one makes no more New Year’s Resolutions with the heavy weight of unrealistic they can bring.
Large or small resolutions anyone can achieve, it is just the speed they are delivered that is varied. But if you remain focused on yourself and the ones you care about, you will find they are not resolutions necessarily, but simply striving to make a better you than you were yesterday which benefits everyone.
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