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Dear Mayor Prokop and Town Councillors;
As a taxpayer and a 25 year resident of the town of Taber I am beyond frustrated at the lack of response to citizens’ concerns that have been given in regards to the new proposed fire hall.
At the first public meeting, it was decided that the new fire hall was to be built on land that the Town already owned, as that would keep costs down to two million dollars (as agreed by the fire chief). Presently, the plan is to buy and demolish two residences that are highly beneficial for lower income families. As you will remember, this was a concern at the initial meeting. If these homes are removed, the Town will lose tax revenue and will also lower the value of the other homes adjacent to the fire hall, which in turn, adds to the loss of tax revenue as those house values will significantly decrease.
The fire hall should be built on the park north of the Administration Building. There are also other lots in the downtown that would work well for the new fire hall location. Taber’s housing market is already trending down, let’s not make it worse by building a fire hall in citizens’ backyards.
I strongly suggest the Town of Taber Council and administration reconsider the proposed fire hall location for another, as suggested above. Please ask yourself this, “would I like to have this building right next to my residence” if the answer is no, why am I pushing to have it next to my neighbours’ residence?
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