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February 18, 2025 February 18, 2025

Fear-mongering over marijuana

Posted on November 15, 2017 by Taber Times

I was recently dismayed and gobsmacked by the comments by MP Martin Shields about the legalization of marijuana.

He is either incompetent, or intentionally trying to disseminate blatantly false information for some reason(s). I am utterly disappointed that both Martin Shields and Taber town council have obviously not even read the Alberta government’s framework for legalization, (, nor would it seem that they took the time to fill out the survey where every Albertan had a chance to voice their opinion about how Alberta will implement legalization.

Instead, they seem bent on circumventing the democratic system by wasting resources on a video (that will and should fall on deaf ears), or spouting false information reminiscent of the 1936 “educational” video “Reefer Madness.” Also, it’s a shame that town council would prefer to see Lethbridge claw even more wealth and jobs out of Taber because dispensaries and commercial grow ops will not be allowed within Taber come next July.

Hopefully, our local politicians will be able to learn that legalization is an opportunity, not an obstacle for Taber.


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