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I watch, listen and read with disdain what our esteemed federal Liberal government has seen fit to do. To pay Omar Khadr any sum of money, let alone $10.5 million and to apologize to him for the wrongs committed against him is beyond comprehension for a normal person’s psyche. We are told that our government failed to protect his constitutional rights as dictated by our Supreme Court. What a joke! This whole scenario has made me ashamed to say that I am a Canadian. Oh, the poor guy was a child soldier, and blah, blah, blah. Nonsense! A 15-year-old, unless mentally handicapped, should be well aware of what he is doing. I had 15-year-old sons and you can ask any one of them if they knew right from wrong at that age. There should be times when a person, even though a Canadian citizen, gives up their rights, and this is one of those times.
The government carries on about how we are all governed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Charter should also include responsibility and loyalty. That Charter should make us all responsible to do our best for Canada and be loyal to the country that gives us our freedoms. This man, though a citizen of Canada, fought against our country and its allies. To put it in terms that a politician, a judge and a lawyer might understand, he was a traitor to Canada and all of its loyal citizens.
Send the turncoat back to where he committed the crime. Let him fight for the terrorists again. That is where his loyalty seems to lie, for I have not heard any mention of him saying he was sorry for what he has done. But then, why should he? After all, he is being well rewarded for his treasonous actions.
While all this news is being splashed across the country, our esteemed prime minister, who acts and portrays himself as the second coming, is off pretending to be the head master of the G-20 summit. He leaves it to his henchman to break the news, and of course due to the Secrecy Act, nothing is really revealed.
Shame on you, federal Liberal government. Shame on you, Canada’s Supreme Court, and shame on you, CBC News, for giving Mr. Khadr the air time to expound on his sufferings. Our government and our Supreme Court in their blind wisdom have opened Pandora’s box with this decision and it will not be closed easily. The consequences of what you have done will be far reaching and felt for many years down the road.
No longer a proud Canadian,
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