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Some GSA materials found offensive

Posted on April 5, 2017 by Taber Times

On March 13, 2017, a concerned parent blogged about the inappropriate content found to be accessible via the Alberta GSA network.

As a result, the department of Alberta Education contacted ISMSS at the U of A (creators of the GSA network) and several links were pulled.

However, questionable content is still available through the website. This website was created with the taxpayers’ dimes and is promoted in schools (K-12) throughout Alberta as a resource for LGBT youth and those wishing to support them. While I think we can all agree that the concept of supports for LGBT youth is a great idea, it appears that we may have some discrepancy on what would be considered appropriate material that we expose any children to.

Perhaps it wasn’t intentional at all. Maybe it’s just a case of someone not taking the time to vet the resources linked to this GSA website. Either way there is a conversation to be had.

Who is responsible? Where is the accountability? What changes will be made to ensure this doesn’t happen again? And what do the media and more importantly, the Minister of Education have to say? Well, nothing, because last week the biggest threat to our children in school was Jason Kenney’s ludicrous idea that parents should be involved in their children’s struggles unless the parents are abusive. Not the pornographic images or sexual “how to” instructions available for our kids.

Really Alberta?


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