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On Jan. 8, I went to our Cenotaph site to remove some of the snow so we could get in to remove the wreaths, placed there on November 11. Not much activity around Taber at 8 a.m. Sunday morning. As I was shoveling the snow, a gentleman was out for his exercise walk and he stopped and asked me if I needed a hand. I gladly took him up on his offer and retrieved the extra shovel I had in my vehicle and between the two of us we managed to clear a path to and around the monument. When another member of our group showed up (Ed) and we removed the wreaths, I relayed the story of the “Unknown Stranger” that stopped to help me. He reminded me that I should have asked the gentleman his name so we could thank him properly for his help.
Thank you very much sir for your help!!!! It wasn’t something you had to do, but you certainly showed the spirit of helping neighbours that the town of Taber is famous for. If you wouldn’t mind giving me a call, I would really like to thank you properly.
In the Service of Peace.
President, SASVUNP
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