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Another celebrity has recently visited our province activating against the development of our oil sands and its pollution of the environment. She has the freedom to do that along with the other protests she has done throughout the world, some for various good causes. It is obvious that she cares about injustices and inequities of which there are many.
With her fervour to tackle things that pollute she may want to look at her own back yard – the entertainment industry — of which she is an acclaimed and respected star. What about the pollution to mind, spirit and emotion that spews forth from an industry that not only continues its mindless belching of raw mostly unscrubbed filth but monthly, it seems, increases in quantity that deluge through the media of print, radio, television, movies, the internet and other kinds of electronic devises. Destructions, killings, violence, swearing, graphic sexual acts and perversions of various kinds, immodest clothing, pornography, promotion of life-styles that run counter to many people’s values, loud music and incomprehensible lyrics and a disregard for most things sacred are the daily fare of an industry that does as much damage to people’s minds and spirits as pollution of the environment does to their health.
Someone of Jane’s stature and drive to improve the world in many noble and helpful ways should take up the fight against the entertainment industry and promote through its powerful influence things that are uplifting, wholesome, engaging, thought-provoking and entertaining.
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