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Today, we live in a time of numerous unions. So many in fact, that we lose track of the original intent of unions. Governments that we elect too have become over-powering unions. They tend to dictate the outcome of legislation, sometimes for the better but mostly for the worse.
So it’s my opinion that parents today will also have to form a union. Individually we cannot protest negative legislation, but as a large body we can change the world, and changing it needs. It is difficult enough trying to raise children in today’s technological communications revolution without swarms of experts telling you how to raise children. Now we’ve reached a point where schools have to install a row of Porta-Potties outside the school to accommodate everyone while showering will have to be done at home.
In Europe however, a person has to pay to use a stall in the restroom, to pay an attendant to take care of the four or five room facility of stalls.
In the past we always elected a government for the people by the people, and not a government for the government.
But now, we’ve elected governments that, both federally and provincially, intend to put Canadians deeply in debt. Notice the $56,000 provided to MPs, to help their expense acts. That may give you an iota of what kind of inflation to expect down the road.
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