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This school year — remember to drive safe

Posted on September 16, 2015 by Taber Times

It’s back to school for students across Alberta and it’s time for drivers to slow down and pay attention near schools and in school zones.

It is also a time, as a parent or caregiver, to cut your children a little slack, as they start a new school year. Most students have a little bit of stress associated with heading back to the hallowed halls of learning. For some, it may be a new school or new teachers and new students to meet and greet.

Parents and caregivers will be hitting southern Alberta roads to drop off children at their community schools, possibly running late and a little bit rattled because of a new school year — which means getting back to a schedule and making sure everyone is dropped off or at their respective places at the right time. And then, many will have to head to work, where they have hopefully figured out a schedule for pick-up of children after school and after or during work. So, employers, cut employees with school children some slack, this first little while of back to school.

As drinking and driving is a choice, so is texting or talking on the phone while driving.

Both, can have devastating consequences and for what? Teenagers do it, grandparents do it, parents are doing it. It has to stop.

Using a phone while driving has become a bad behaviourial decision, but many do it, without a second thought — even though it’s against the law and there are stiff fines for it.

If you’re using a cellphone while driving in a school zone or near a school, chances are you’re not concentrating on the road in front of you.

Kids may not be paying attention either when walking to or from school, which makes for a possible deadly mix.

This school start season remember little kids, teenagers and adults for that matter may be distracted with a new school year. Distracted drivers don’t help.

Awareness is key, when heading back to school, especially being aware of school buses when stopped. When a bus is stopped it means kids are getting on or off.

As the saying goes, “Think of us on the bus.” This school year be aware of buses on the road and especially at the side of the road. Don’t speed past buses and when the big STOP sign is deployed — STOP.

Make the 2015/2016 school year safe and the best year yet for students, teachers, and parents and caregivers. Driving safe is one lane in the right direction.

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