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June 3 issue of Taber Times: re Hans Visser
Religious rituals have no place in public schools, nor in any other state-funded institution. The constitution in 1867 mentions foundation on God, but that was the best we had at the time. Morality and ethics do not require religion.
For Christian students who wish to practice Christian ritual every day, they should go ahead and do it outside of school hours just like every other religious group.
If we had the time and will in our schools to get to know each student’s values and practices, and then allow time during school hours for each of those to be practiced by the entire student body, then we should.
Given budget restraints, there is little enough time to do the usual necessary education, and schools do a valiant effort of including values and physical fitness and health habits. They can’t really be expected to do our spiritual education as well.
As far as your comments Hans Visser on the rights of LGTB persons to marry, and expect basic human rights: It is not violating anybody’s values to expect professional service from businesses. If a person with different ability, or of a different race, or other-ness were refused based on those things, that is a violation too.
Consumers complain when a business practice violates their human right. That applies to signage in a shop, or Facebook page, or refusal to serve potential customers. This is in no way forcing the business people to change their values or beliefs, it is just the expected backlash when you act in a racist, sexist or homophobic way as a business.
A business owner or employee can exercise free speech. The public will respond. That’s how the world works.
I may lose business in my medical practice because of the way I treat patients or because of my pro-choice, pro-human rights, (pro- LGTBQ TS IS Questioning) beliefs and values. That is not going to stop me from practising what I preach. We all need to love each other a little more and practice appreciation of each other.
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