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I am shocked at the lack of outrage over the Community Standards bylaw by both the community and the Taber Times. At the very least, town council has much more important things to worry about than the conduct of citizens on the street. At worst, this bylaw is in direct violation of a long list of Charter and human rights.
This former Taber Times reporter would have been shouting from the rooftops about such a draconian bylaw and call for the immediately removal of town council, the town administration, and the police chief. It is clear they have an utter lack of understanding of their authority or powers of legislation and are unfit to conduct any business on behave of citizens of Taber.
I would suggest the community immediately assemble before town council and have this bylaw squashed. Not only has this bylaw turned the town into the laughing stock of Canada, but brings into question how far council feels they can project their personal moral values on the rest of the citizenry. This is a black day for the Town of Taber. It will be a blacker day if Taberites do not stand up and fight against this bylaw.
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