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Thanks for the memories Bikman

Posted on January 14, 2015 by Taber Times

Dear Gary:

We would like to take this opportunity to thank-you for your service as our MLA. For the past nearly three years you have effectively advocated against some of the most egregious ethical and fiscal lapses ever done by a PC government. Thanks in part to your actions, we saw the removal of an out-of-control Alison Redford from office.

However, as you have so passionately stated, troublesome PC government ethics and disregard for the taxpayer run far, far deeper than one single person at the top.

And the new person at the top, Mr. Prentice, shows himself to be of the same ilk as his predecessors. He used tax dollars to ensure his own by-election victory: a serious (yet sadly all too common) ethical breach that would normally have had you up in arms. We will miss your voice of reason calling the PCs to account and can’t say we look forward to the Prentice/PC Party approved dictums we already see coming from your office now that you have crossed to their side.

But there is good news. The Wildrose Party, while battered, is not beaten. You’ll be happy to know that it is still the official opposition and its remaining MLAs continue to serve a sacred trust of holding the government to account. Any government tends to lean in the direction of its official opposition and your floor crossing nearly left this vital responsibility to the Liberals! In an age of $60 oil, and the resulting deficits and debt, Wildrose MLAs will carefully watch the inexperienced Premier and call out the wasteful billions that continue to be spent by an out of control bureaucracy.

Locally, the Wildrose is in strong shape. Supporters are disappointed in your abdication of calling the government to account, but excited about whoever the new candidate is that will be ready to take the torch in the next election. Our supporters believe more fervently than ever that good government isn’t about who delivers the most goodies: it’s about who does the most good. And right now, Alberta has a pressing need to watch over a government that is filled with cabinet and MLAs that lauded over Premier Redford and were far too easily enamored with the Prentice aura.

Sincerely your friend,

Dave Wright
V.P. Communications
Cardston-Taber-Warner Wildrose

P.S. Thanks to past pressure from the Wildrose, the Fixed Election Date is confirmed for March-May, 2016. Right?

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