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Good Samaritans defined

Posted on December 10, 2014 by Taber Times

Re: front page “Linden View”

My first reaction, I am disappointed that the Taber Times covered this negative report as a headline story on the front page. Instead you could have had the positive report of the TANGO team trip to Guatemala on the first page, and the sad story of Linden View tucked inside.

As you most likely know, Linden View is operated by the “Good Samaritan Society.” I assume that almost every one would know the Biblical story of the Good Samaritan, were a self righteous fellow ignored a robbed, beat up man left to die on the side of the road, along came the Samaritan stranger, he picked up the beat up man, took him to a health clinic paid, for the man’s health care bill and went on his way.

But the report about the meeting of unhappy people meeting with their MLA puts Taber in a very negative light, especially to put it out in the news media, I am not sure if that is a good way for conflict resolution.

But I also know that the problem will not go away by throwing it under the rug. I can not judge the inner workings of Linden View. I do visit the facility at least three part days per week, and sure at times see things that in my opinion should not be, and the report makes repeated mention of problems with the staff, I pray that management will challenge and solve those problems. But on the positive side I see the loving interaction of staff and also Chaplain Dallas with residents, and I see so many loved ones of residents, and so many volunteers serving and caring. And of course it is difficult to deal with some of the residents with dementia, especially for their family members and staff, but we can all make their load a little lighter.

So now we must remember the story of the good Samaritan man, and all of us involved in Linden View, residents, family members, staff, and volunteers should perhaps take a good look in the mirror and decide who we are looking at. If and when we come to the right conclusion, Linden View will be restored in its calling.


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