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Grant Hunter – Wildrose – Cardston-Taber-Warner

Posted on April 15, 2015 by Taber Times

Birthdate: November 9, 1967

Family: Married to Angie since 1990 with 5 children and a grandchild on the way soon.

Occupation before politics: Degree in Science from BYU and MBA graduate. Worked as a teacher for two years, before transitioning to owning and running small start ups to multi-million dollar businesses. Grant is currently a partner in Hunter Construction, specializing in residential and commercial construction.

Other community/non-profit experience: Grant has served on the Highwood Reform Party board of directors, the Fort Macleod Economic Development Council, Anasazi Canada board of directors and the Cardston Lions Club. Presently, Grant acts as the financial officer for his local Federal Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner Conservative Party of Canada riding association.

What is the most important issue facing the riding?: The continuing need to deliver world-class education, healthcare and seniors support. I’ve seen many of the front line staff in action and these are talented & dedicated people. Continuing investment into front line staff in these areas is key to maintaining, and improving, our quality of life in Cardston-Taber-Warner.

What is the most important issue facing the province?: Addressing our fiscal situation is the most important issue we face province wide. The PCs love to blame the price of oil for our situation, but let’s remember, they couldn’t balance the budget with oil at record high levels. We need to regain the Alberta Advantage. Only 10 years ago, many of us celebrated as Ralph Klein paid off our debt incurred by years of wasteful PC spending. It was a momentous occasion and Albertans were rightfully proud. We’ve now gone full circle as PC supporters want to, again, take Alberta into debt, this time up to $30 billion. Mr. Prentice promised significant cuts to the most expensive government in Canada for months, but when it came time to deliver the budget, Mr. Prentice simply didn’t have the courage or fortitude to deliver on his promise. The interest we’ll pay over the next five years on the PC debt plan will total nearly $1.7 billion. That’s a lot of your money that could instead go directly into vital healthcare, education, seniors and agricultural services.

If you could change one thing from the budget released on March 28, what would it be?: I would immediately repeal the Prentice tax and fee hikes. Unfortunately it needs to be done not once, but 59 times as Prentice and the PCs are targeting everything they can to maximize their take from your pockets. This tax hike hits Albertans square on the chin with the largest tax hike in Alberta history as Prentice seeks to take more than $10 billion in extra taxes from you. The agriculture base and small business owners in our riding simply can’t afford the massive fuel tax that the Prentice team wants to impose on them. In place of Mr. Prentice telling Albertans to shoulder the blame, the Wildrose will cut 33% from the managerial ranks of the government, 50% of Alberta Health managers and consultants and focus on the front lines.

Why should the voters choose you?: I am the only candidate that is willing to fight for the hard working taxpayers and families in Cardston-Taber-Warner. I strongly oppose the massive Prentice tax grab. I think I speak for many voters when I say we simply can’t continue to live beyond our means. Only Wildrose can cut the waste and favouritism in government while protecting the front lines. Only Wildrose can reverse Prentice’s tax hikes and still get our budget truly balanced. After 44 years in power, the PCs have shown they’re good at winning elections, but poor at governing. Our leader, Brian Jean, is a breath of fresh air in politics. He is honest and he keeps his word. The December floor crossers only numbered 11 people. The Wildrose remains a strong party with strong support all across Alberta. If you seek a candidate that will fight for vital front line support and against the massive waste and cronyism that is rife throughout the PCs, I ask for your help and support.

Favourite quote: “Yeah, Redford and Stelmach were bad, but only one premier ever punched me in the gut with 59 new taxes.” – Local agriculture producer

The last book you read: “Resolved: 13 Resolutions for Life” by Orrin Woodward

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