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On Friday, July 21, the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Minister Oneil Carlier announced the appointment of Reeve Brian Brewin as the Chair of the Irrigation Council of Alberta.
“I greatly look forward to working with Brian and the rest of our very qualified, and diverse council,” said Carlier. “Brian was first appointed to the Irrigation Council in 2013. With his long time experience as a valued board member, he will be a good leader for the board and those members who are new to the council.”
“As the current Reeve for the M.D. of Taber and a third generation farmer he will bring a wealth of knowledge to the board in terms of how we best manage our valuable water; working with the 13 Irrigation Districts and other stakeholders to ensure sustainability and availability for agriculture, the environment and the municipalities who rely on it.”
The Irrigation Council consists of seven members appointed by the Carlier; five public members and two government representatives -— one from Alberta Environment and Parks and one from Agriculture and Forestry. The council makes recommendations to the minister on matters under the Irrigation Districts Act, monitor the operation and financial performance of the thirteen irrigation districts in Alberta, grants approval for irrigation districts to expend money under cost sharing agreements between the districts and the Government of Alberta, among other matters.
“It’s truly an honour to be appointed,” said Brewin, who had previously served a thee-year term on the board. “Irrigation is such an important part of southern Alberta, the value-added that comes from irrigation is huge.”
“As chair, I look forward with working with the rest of the indivudals that were appointed and minister Carlier.”
Brewin has been a member of the Municipal District Municipal Council since 1998, and has served during that time, amoung other roles, as the Chair of the Agricultural Service Board, the past Chair of the Highway 3 Regional Water Services Commission and represents the Municipal District of Taber on the Oldman Watershed Council, the Grassy Lake Recreation Board and on the board of Taber and District Community Adult Learning. Reeve Brewin is a member of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, the Agricultural Service Board and various council Committees including finance, public works and policy.
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