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Contemplating federal election results

Posted on October 16, 2019 by Taber Times

With the upcoming federal election looming, the subject of “what if Trudeau gets back in” has been front and centre in a large number of conversations throughout Canada.

The terms “separation”, “51st State” and “Can- ada” have also been bandied about.

The feasibility of Alberta becoming a “country unto itself” is at best….farfetched! Landlocked just doesn’t cut it!

The “51st State” thought process might work, however, most of the impetus in getting that done would have to be generated by those south of the 49th parallel.

The latest incarnation of this type of move is having British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba become the “CAN” country (along with portions of Northern Canada) and Ontario, Quebec and The Maritimes (along with portions of Northern Canada) become the ADA country!

In reality, these options are at best ludicrous and definitely couldn’t happen quick enough to prevent anything another Trudeau four year term could do to this country of ours.

Therefore, the only real solution here my fellow Canadians, is to get out and make sure you vote for anyone but Justin Trudeaus’ Liberal party.



One response to “Contemplating federal election results”

  1. Fedup Conservative says:

    Those of us from the world of finance find it hard to believe that anyone would be dumb enough to think that separation is a smart thing to do, and what’ s more disturbing it seems to becoming from many of our fellow seniors. There is nothing smart about promoting the giving away of your old age security, Canada pension plan funding, or public health care funding. Could you survive without them?

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