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By Cole Parkinson
Taber Times
With the province’s announcement to allow golf courses to be reopened across Alberta, the Taber Golf Course started allowing golfers back on the links on May 4.
While the course is open, there are a number of regulations that golfers must follow when they do go golfing.
The Taber Golf Club released a new set of regulations which includes practising social distancing everywhere on the course, one person per cart unless it’s with someone you live with, everyone must have a tee time as there are no walk-ons and they are suggesting to arrive only 10 to 15 minutes before your tee time.
All washrooms on the course will be closed but the washrooms at the clubhouse will be open and be sanitized regularly with only one in at a time.
All flagsticks will remain in and are not to be touched by golfers and all rakes and ball washers will be removed from the course for the time being.
The driving range will also be closed.
The restaurant at the club will be takeout only, the pro shop will be open and but only one person will be permitted in each after the person sanitizes and wears rubber gloves.
The pro shop will also not have any merchandise shopping available for the time being.
Back on the course, sharing of clubs, balls or any other equipment will not be permitted and rental carts will be sanitized after each usage and the club is urging private cart owners to do the same.
Like everywhere else, the club is also encouraging anyone who has flu-like symptoms to stay home.
“We at the TGC are taking COVID-19 very seriously. Anyone not following these rules will be subject to a 30-day playing suspension…no refund. Absolutely no exceptions for anyone,” reads the release from the Taber Golf Club.
To book tee times at the Taber Golf Club, you can call the club at 403-223-2951 or visit
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