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M.D. cancels fees for July Tuff Run

Posted on April 29, 2020 by Taber Times

By Cole Parkinson
Taber Times

Plans for the Taber Tuff Run are well underway, even with the COVID-19 pandemic still in effect.

Organized by the Taber Trail Run, the Taber Tuff Run is scheduled to take place on July 11 with the races starting and finishing in the M.D. of Taber Park.

With that in mind, the group wrote a letter to council requesting to waive their fees for the group site and it was presented to councillors at the M.D.’s regular meeting on April 14.

“Last year, with your help, we organized and carried out our first Taber Tuff Run. We had hoped to have 50 participants and had 53. There were no unforeseen problems and all racers indicated that our event ran very smoothly. They also loved our coulee route,” reads the letter from Jeff Hamilton and Jeremy Kramer, Taber Trail Run organizers. “We have booked the group site for that weekend and would request that you waive the fee or provide a reduced fee for our event. We are not doing the run for profit and any excess funds will be reinvested in the race and/or donated to local groups.”

Fees for the event to be hosted at the park would be $480.

While still months away administration highlighted the fact, the event still may face cancellation due to COVID-19.

“The only thing I might suggest if council was interested in satisfying this request, and from an optimist point of view I hope the park is open but if it closed, the satisfaction of the request can be conditional upon the status of M.D. Park,” said CAO Arlos Crofts.

A motion was carried unanimously to allow the group to use the park if it is open.

Another motion was made to waive all fees for renting the park.

Not wanting to completely absorb all costs, a suggestion was to have both parties contribute to the cost of renting the area.

“My thoughts were to split it 50 per cent. I’m reluctant to waive fees because a lot of the people that rent the sites are volunteer groups. It might be setting a precedent,” said Coun. Brian Brewin.

“I think the difference here is they brought a lot of people into the community last year when they had it. I think this is something that will continue to grow,” replied Coun. John Turcato. “Maybe they don’t have the money, I’m not sure.”

Other councillors liked what the event brought to not only the town of Taber but the surrounding areas as well.

“I think it’s a good promotional event to get people to Taber and surrounding areas. I think waiving the fees for that isn’t a cost concern on my end,” said Coun. Leavitt Howg.

The motion to waive all fees was carried unanimously.

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