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New person at the helm of minor hockey

Posted on October 11, 2017 by Taber Times

By Cole Parkinson
Taber Times

With a new hockey season underway in Taber, a new face has taken up the mantle for Taber Minor Hockey.

Justin Fletcher joins the staff as president for the upcoming 2017/18 season and while it is his first executive position within Taber Minor Hockey, he does bring some outside experience.

“This is my first time, I’ve helped out with things like 4-H and different committees for work and I’ve been a director with the CAHL (Central Alberta Hockey League) league for the last couple of years.”

Fletcher has two kids currently in Taber Minor Hockey with his son in atom and his daughter in initiation and he says he’s excited for the season.

Fletcher says he hopes to bring as much as he can to the position but ultimately he just wants to bring the joy of hockey to the youngsters who are coming into this hockey season.

“I guess just the passion for hockey and wanting kids to enjoy hockey as much as I did growing up.”

Fletcher is taking over for the long serving Diane Sparks who was in the Taber Minor Hockey Association for many years and Fletcher says that it was nice to get her blessing to take over.

Even though this will be his first year as team president, Fletcher has served on the board for the past few seasons, which will no doubt help him with the new position.

“I’ve been on the board for — I think this is my fourth year or fifth year — I guess just an understanding. I’m not so far removed from hockey that I don’t remember what it’s like to play hockey and excitement for hockey,” said Fletcher.

With September already over, the season is coming full force ahead now in October and it won’t be long until the Taber Ice Arena will be filled day and night with players of all ages.

Fletcher only has one goal in mind when it comes to the new season and he hopes that when it’s all said and done they’ve accomplished exactly what it’s all about.

“I just want the kids to have fun.”

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