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M.D. of Taber council meeting briefs from Oct. 8

Posted on November 21, 2024 by Taber Times

By Heather Cameron
Taber Times
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The following are select briefs from the M.D. of Taber Council meeting that took place on October 8, 2024.

Announcements and Recognition

Reeve Tamara Miyanaga acknowledged that Fire Prevention Week was October 6 to 12, 2024 and it is also important to make sure the smoke alarms are being tested, maintained, and being replaced if they are in need of replacement. In keeping with Fire Prevention Week, Reeve Miyanaga stated, the Barnwell Fire Station had an Open House on Thursday, October 10, 2024 and people were invited to check out the Fire Hall to find out what it takes to become a firefighter.


Council discussed how the Town of Taber Economic Development team submitted a thank you card to the M.D.’s contribution to Taber’s Table and how it’s always nice to receive gratitude. Council also discussed how they received a thank you card from the Southwest Rodeo Committee for the M.D. of Taber’s continuous support and donations. 

Oldman Watershed Council Board Appointment

Council discussed a request from the Oldman Watershed Council to consider having Council representation on the Oldman Watershed Council Board. The Oldman Watershed Council (OWC), Council stated, is a not-for-profit organization in Southern Alberta mandated by the provincial government to provide an independent voice for watershed management and health under the Province’s Water For Life strategy. Ultimately, a motion was made to receive the request for information and the motion was carried.

Water Shortage Response Plan Update

Reeve Tamara Miyanaga asked Council how they wished to proceed regarding the Water Shortage Response Plan and the memo associated with it. The current Memo informs Council that they are currently in Stage 1 of the Water Shortage Response Plan. The memo also states that the plan was implemented early May 2024 and can be applied to water shortages during summer months and during other events. The goal of the plan, according to the memo, was to formalize the M.D. of Taber’s Water System Emergency Response Plan that is already in place, assist with creating a path forward for the M.D. of Taber, and minimizing any unnecessary impact to the environment and the communities while meeting legislated requirements. According to the memo, the M.D. of Taber received an email notice from Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEPA) activating the Oldman South Saskatchewan River Basin Water-Sharing Agreement on May 17, 2024, and within this notice it was stated that municipalities are being asked to “reduce water consumption by 5-10 per cent from ideal use for this time of year over the period May through October”. Reeve Miyanaga asked Council how they wished to proceed regarding if they wish to keep the Water Shortage Response Plan on the agenda and only receive information as needed. Council established that if anything needs to be brought forward, it can be brought forward through the Ag Service Board. 

Deputy Reeve DeGroot then made a motion that Council accept the Water Shortage Response Plan be accepted for information that future updates be presented through the Agriculture Service Board when relevant and the motion was carried. Council also established that all relevant organizations will be receiving the reports for review, so if something emergent does come forth, it will be addressed properly through the appropriate commissions.

Donation Request Application

Community Services provided Council with a Request For Decision asking if the M.D. of Taber could approve a $1,500 donation to the Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers Program in response to their application to the M.D. of Taber Donations to Community Organizations, Programs, Events and Activities Policy. As a collective unit, Council established that the M.D. has many outstanding young farmers in the M.D. of Taber area and because of that, it is important to support the donation request. Ultimately, a motion was made that the M.D. of Taber approve a $1,500 donation to the Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers Program in response to their application to the M.D. of Taber Donations to Community Organizations, Programs, Events and Activities Policy.

Town of Taber Drainage ACP Grant Submission

Administration brought a Request for Decision to Council, stating that the Town of Taber is looking to undertake preliminary design of stormwater management and treatment for the southeast area of the town and adjoining areas within the M.D. of Taber, and the intent of the project will be to identify design requirements for conveying stormwater runoff from the south side of Highway 3 to the recently completed East Constructed Wetland, as well as identifying potential synergies with the recently completed and upcoming phases of the Horsefly Regional Emergency Spillway project. Administration recommended to Council that the M.D. of Taber support the Town of Taber’s (managing partner) submission of a 2024/25 Alberta Community Partnership grant application in support of the Southeast Taber Stormwater Management Project – Preliminary Design with no matching contribution required. Ultimately, a motion was made that the M.D. of Taber support the Town of Taber’s (managing partner) submission of a 2024/25 Alberta Community Partnership grant application in support of the Southeast Taber Stormwater Management Project – Preliminary Design with no matching contribution required and the motion was carried.

Village of Barnwell – Gravel and Grading Request

Administration reported to Council that they received a request from the Village of Barnwell stating that the Village is looking to have assistance with maintenance of the ATEC owned truck parking area, which is approximately one acre. The work, Administration explained, would be adding gravel to the parking lot, grading the lot to a smooth surface and maintain drainage off the parking area. Public Works staff, Administration stated, have reviewed the parking area and have estimated the work as follows: 90 tonnes of 1.5” crushed aggregate, 180 tonnes of 1” crushed aggregate, four hours of grader time with operator, and determined the cost to be approximately $3,800. Administration recommended was that the M.D. of Taber supply and place gravel in the Barnwell Truck Parking lot as an in-kind donation. Ultimately, a motion was made that the M.D. of Taber supply and place gravel in the Barnwell Truck Parking lot as an in-kind donation. The motion was carried.

Nomination & Election Process Policy Amendment

Administration brought a Request For Decision regarding the Nomination and Election and Process Policy, stating that the policy has been amended to align with Bylaw No. 2005 – The Agricultural Service Board Bylaw. 

The bylaw, Administration stated, was adopted by Council at the June 11, 2024 Council meeting and states that the Agricultural Service Board shall consist of four members of Council and three members at large. Administration’s recommendation was that Council adopt the Nomination and Election Process Policy Amendment. Ultimately, a motion was made that Council adopt the Nomination and Election Process Policy Amendment and the motion was carried.

Agricultural Service Board Member at Large Appointments

A motion was made that Council recommends that Sheldon Zadan, Lev Hogg, and David Johnson be appointed as the public members at large on the Agricultural Service Board at the organizational meeting on October 22, 2024. The motion was carried. Council also commended all of the applicants that put their names forward to serve on the Ag Service Board and thanked them for their participation in the process. 

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