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By Heather Cameron
Taber Times
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
The following are select briefs from the M.D. of Taber Council meeting that took place on August 13.
Announcements and Recognitions
Council sent their condolences and thoughts to Rocky View Council Reeve Crystal Kissel and the Rocky View County Council for the loss of their employee Colin Hough as well as the Fortis employee who were involved in the fatal shooting incident which occurred in Rocky View County on Tuesday, August 6, 2024.
Councillor Harris Report Highlights
Councillor Harris reported to Council that as far as the Stormwater Drainage Committee goes, they have met with four different municipalities and received endorsements from them and SMRID’s next meeting is also within the month, so his hope and expectation is that SMRID will also endorse the project.
Councillor Harris also mentioned that the hope is to get Phase Three of the Horsefly Spillway Project out to Tender this summer and they are still working to get Phase Two purchased through SMRID and the highway twinning portion of it is going to be done this fall, but there are still some snags with that as far as the hydraulics.
Premier Smith, Councillor Harris said, also visited on July 24, 2024, and she was able to see the completed portion of the Horsefly Spillway Project and it was important that she recognize the value of it and the drainage project to ensure the stability of irrigation and providing food for not only the M.D. area but for the nation and worldwide.
Councillor Harris further explained that while Premier Smith was onsite, the M.D. was able to also highlight concerns that the M.D. had regarding housing, express appreciation for the Highway 3 twinning, and also highlight the challenges of water and sewer along that line and the M.D. is glad to have a good relationship with Premier Smith and the Alberta Government in terms of projects and Bridge funding and other aspects that are necessary for the municipality to be successful.
A motion was made to accept this item, which was part of the consent agenda, as presented, and the motion was carried.
Upcoming Meetings and Events Highlights
Council discussed upcoming meetings and events including the South Region Agricultural Service Board meeting on October 28 and 29, 2024.
Request For Decision – TDCALA Funding Request
Council reviewed the request from Taber and District Community Adult Learning Association (TDCALA) requesting $250,000 in the form of a grant or a loan that was associated with their presentation at an earlier point in the meeting. Administration established that TDCALA’s original request was for $150,000, but they increased it to $250,000 based on the various needs associated with the acquisition of a new building, the renovations, and the grant matching.
Administration explained that the Taber and District Community Adult Learning Association (TDCALA) was first organized in 1972 and has been serving in this area since that time in many ways. As TDCALA has partnered with and served the communities in Taber, Administration explained, the M.D. of Taber and the County of Warner throughout the years, it has grown, changed and adapted to the economic and social changes that have occurred throughout that time. After operating for several years in the current facility, Administration explained, TDCALA identified a need for a facility upgrade that is related to a number of factors that includes an inefficient space and layout of the current facility, and through operational efficiencies and well thought out budgets and plans, they have been fortunate enough to be able to build a sizeable reserve that they have been planning to use for the purchase of their own facility. Administration explained to Council that a building has come up for sale in Taber that would be well suited, with some improvements, for TDCALA’s use, but in order to proceed with the purchase of the building, it is contingent on a number of conditions being met, including being able to secure funding for some of the improvements that need to be made.
Administration explained to Council that TDCALA’s proposed budget for Improvements to the building includes $150,000 from the MD of Taber, $150,000 from the Town of Taber, and $100,000 from the Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) run by the Alberta Government. The other grants have been approved; Administration explained.
Ultimately, a motion was made that Council approve the financial request from the Taber District Community Adult Learning Association in the amount of $150,000 in the form of a 10-year interest free loan for purchasing and renovating its new location to be located to be allocated from the General Municipal Operating Reserve fund and loan financing is to be dependent on the following requirements: the loan is contingent on a loan bylaw being passed by Council, the loan is contingent on securing $250,000 funding from the Community Facility Enhancement Program, and furthermore, that the MD of Taber provide TDCALA with a $100,000 grant for the purpose of purchasing and renovating its new location and that the funds be allocated from the general Municipal operating Reserve fund and that the grant be dependent on the aforementioned requirements. The motion was carried.
MLA Request – Identify Priority Infrastructure Projects
Council discussed a Request for Decision sent to the M.D. from MLA Hunter regarding 2025 priority projects, specifically areas that he would champion for, with a deadline of August 16, 2024, attached. Through discussion, Council established the following priority projects: AMWWP including regional potable water and wastewater systems, water security and additional funding for Phase 2 and 3 of the Horsefly Regional Water Spillway Project; STIP Projects including bridge funding, resource roads, and airport runway extension; and provincial projects including Highway 526, 521, and 877, and the Ag Food Corridor. Council also determined that they also wished to make MLA Schow aware of the 2025 Priority Projects. A motion was made that the M.D. of Taber respond to MLA Hunter’s request for 2025 Priority Projects: AMWWP including Regional portable water and wastewater systems, water security and additional funding for Phase 2 and 3 of the Horsefly Regional Water Spillway Project; STIP Projects including Bridge funding, resource roads, and airport runway extension; and provincial projects including Highway 526, 521, and 877, and the Ag Food Corridor and include MLA Schow in the correspondence and the motion was carried.
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