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M.D. council present HALO and STARS with donations

Posted on June 6, 2024 by Taber Times
Times Photo Courtesy of M.D. of Taber Facebook. SUPPORT: M.D. of Taber Councillors proudly present a cheque in support of two invaluable lifelines: HALO Air Ambulance and STARS Ambulance Services. (Left to right) Councillor Turcato, Paul Carolan, Dale Thacker, Reeve Miyanaga and Councillor Harris.

By Heather Cameron
Taber Times
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

During the M.D. of Taber Council Meeting that took place on May 28, 2024, delegations from HALO and STARS met with Council.

The delegations consisted of Paul Carolan, CEO for HALO Ambulance, and Chair Dale Thacker as well as Jackie Seely, who is with Donor Relations and the Development Officer for Southern Alberta and currently located in Bassano. 

Council declared both organizations critical lifelines to the municipality. The M.D. of Taber, Council said, is celebrating their 70th anniversary this year, and they want to recognize how both organizations have made major strides to ensure that the residents of the M.D. are safe. Council also recognized the hard work that both STARS and HALO have engaged in with the M.D. Regional Fire Department to ensure that residents are assisted.

Seely then spoke, explaining that missions for STARS are once again on the rise and also provided Council with a couple of New Horizons magazines, which she said contain new mission statistics up to the fiscal year end of March 2024.

“We recognized the importance of STARS and HALO in our operations because it’s important to our safety and an assurance to our residents as well,” said Reeve Tamara Miyanaga.

Carolan then spoke to Council, stating that HALO Air Ambulance is honoured to be part of the community, Southern Alberta, and the M.D. of Taber. Carolan then expressed gratitude for the advocacy that both Councillor Harris and the rest of Council has given the organization over the years.

“If it wasn’t for organizations and municipalities like yourselves, HALO wouldn’t exist today,” said Carolan. “You made it possible for us to survive through the pandemic.”

Carolan then touched upon the recent donation that the M.D. of Taber made to HALO Air Rescue and STARS Ambulance Services on May 28, and expressed gratitude for that donation.

“We’re very excited to be able to come to you today and share that our program is strong and stable and it’s here to stay,” said Carolan. “We’re committed to serving this part of the world and we think that by coming out of Medicine Hat, we provide a unique and very rapid response to your community committed to providing additional supports. The program continues to advocate for improvements in the system. Our focus will always be EMS, as we’re in air ambulance, but we also provide service to your community in Search and Rescue, Fire Response, and Law Enforcement. We’re proud to offer those services as well, so thank you for your commitment, thank you for your belief and trust in us, and we look forward to many years ahead of working together.”

The donations were each $7,447 based on $1 per capita.

The M.D. presented the cheques along with an invitation to the M.D.’s 70th Anniversary celebrations on June 20 and June 27.

“We see STARS and HALO as an integral part of our municipality,” said Reeve Miyanaga.

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